
  • Amai Liu

    Amai Liu


Rank #312
Body 8.78
27 ratings / Rate it!
Personality 8.96
26 ratings / Rate it!
Performance 8.77
26 ratings / Rate it!


  • Average scenes rating: 9.64
  • 515 Favorites

Amai Liu

(500 Characters left - Maximum 5 lines, current number of lines: 1)
  • DrHosem :More of tiny little Amai.
    Want to see her gangfucked

    • February 16 at 8:58am •

  • saboteur :A very special girl. Something really hot behind modest and not eye-catching appearance. Pure emotions. But very bony body - it's of course very bad.

    • January 9 at 11:28am •

  • JohnSin :An Asian who does gangbang and bukkake - who could ask for more?

    • November 20 at 9:15pm •